Hi there! I´m asking here for advice about de f hole template. I think I took the measurements correctly as I think about printing the templates too, but I´m not able to match the f hole template with the drawings and measurements on top of the plate. It´s clear I missed something... Total lengh of the f hole is 69.5 mm and I think it´s correct. Any advice please? It´s quite frustrating at this moment 😥 Thanks!

Hi Luis, Titian's eyes are bigger than usual, and the lower eyes are higher than the lower purfling line, which is too high.
You can fit the template onto the upper eye, draw 2/3 of the f hole, and fit the template to the lower eye, and draw the other 2/3 of the F. And merge the shape together. The the middle of the F can be kind of straight. Then put the nicks on the bridge line, then it's Ok.
And see if you want to make the eyes smaller, around 6 and 9mm.